The Grey Panthers
7 August 2024, - Middleton One Row & Low Dinsdale

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6.5 miles

Explorer Map No 304, - Darlington and Richmond

A walk taking in parts of the Teesdale Way. There are few gradients of any note, and the route is easy to follow.
The first part of the walk follows the Teesdale Way between Middleton-One-Row and Low Dinsdale, and the return is made along this footpath.
There is a short section of road walking from Low Dinsdale, and a return to Low Dinsdale is made along a service road.

A map of the route followed has been plotted on the Ordnace Survey mapping website, By selecting the ink below you will be taken to this map, - complete with distances and heights marked on the route.

OS Link

The route shown is on a standard map. To view the route on an Ordnace Survey map, select the icon in the lower right of the screen. If the route is dispkayed on a 1:50 OS map, zoom in to see the details on a 1:25 OS map.
There is also the option to view the route in a satellite image.

Start from Middleton-One-Row. There is street parking near the Devonport Hotel (NZ352 122).
Follow the Teesdale Way footpath from the Green on Middleton-One-Row to Low Dinsdale. The footpath emerges opposite the Church of St. James.
Turn right and follow the road for about 1/2 mile. A gate at NZ337 187) opens to a bridleway that runs South over agricultural land.
At NZ342 094 turn left onto the Teesdale Way footpath (crossing a "push down gate" to access the footpath).
Follow the Teesdale Way footpath to return to Low Dinsdale.
Head Northwards a short distance to the road bridge over the River Tees.
Now retrace your steps to return to Middleton-One-Row.

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