The Grey Panthers
8 May 2024, - Hartlepool Headland

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6.0 miles

Explorer Maps 306 & 308 - Middlesbrough & Hartlepool / Durham & Sunderland

This is a very "straightforward" walk, which doesn't really need any maps.

The walk is suitable for any time of the year, and combines some history (Hartlepool Headland) with superb sea views and a bracing walk along the beach.

Start from car park to the South of St. Hilda's Church (NZ52769 33701).
Cut through streets past a fish-and-chip shop to the Town Wall by Fish Sands.
Now turn left and walk along the promenade.
Continue past the War Memorial Gardens and the Battery on the Heugh.
Continue along the promenade until it ends.
If the tide is out, walk along the beach to the old Steetley Magnesite pier. Continue along the beach for another few hundred yards until you come to a large groyne.
Here there is a track to bring you inland where you will see the England Coast Path signed.
Turn left and take the clear foorpath along the top, past the housing estate.
Continue past the old cemetery on your right until you eventually come to a marker post for "Spion Kop".
Here descend to the promenade along which you cam originally.

Depending on the state of the tide, you could go "out" by the cliff-top path and return along the beach.

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