The Grey Panthers
30 September 2020, - Birk Brow, Boosbeck, Lingdale, & Moorsholm

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7.8 miles

Outdoor Leisure Map OL26, - North Yorkshire Moors (West)

This walk effectively starts from two villages with a history of iron ore mining, then crosses farmland and woodland to reach a historic village.
Between Lingdale and Moorsholm there is a steep wooded valley, where the Hagg Beck is crossed by sturdy bridges, However, accessing these bridges involves a fairly steep descent and ascent, - in one case on a steep path and in the other case aided by a series of steps.
There are several field stiles to cross, and using a 1:25K map to follow the route is highly advisable.

Memory Map
For a Memory Map overlay of the walk described, please select the above link.
(Overlay made with Version 5 of Memory Map)

Some new mapping software is now available which you may want to try, - QUO mapping. You can download the software for free from the link below, complete with demonstration maps. Having installed QUO, you can import and export Memory Map overlays. Thus YOU DON'T NEED Memory Map to use any of the overlays provided on the Grey Panthers web site, - just use QUO!!

Quo logo

Start from the parking area at the top of Birk Brow on the A171 Guisborough to Whitby road (NZ658 148).
Leave the car park along the footpath beside the beacon, heading North North West. The footpath is broad and well used. Aim for the telephone masts if in doubt about direction.
Cross the minor road by the telephone masts, and head due North along the Jenny Frisk Road (a muddy farm track).
When you reach Boosbeck village, cross the Lingdale Road and take the footpath by the Church that heads due East.
When the footpath reaches the farm access road at NZ668 168, head South to Lingdale village then head East along Lingdale's High Street.
When you reach Lingdale's War Memorial, cross over the road and head east along the track to Little Moorsholm Farm.
From Little Moorsholm Farm take the footpath Southwards towards the woodland above the Hag Beck.
There is a bridge over the Hagg Beck which is reached by a steep descent down a muddy path.
Cross the Hagg Beck and continue on the footpath (which follows an ancient Trod) to Moorsholm.
In Moorsholm, take the footpath Westwards off the main street that takes you to The Grange Farm.
Continue Northwards on the footpath to Stanghow Bridge.
The bridge is reached by a set of steps in the woodland.
From here continue in a North Westerly direction on the footpath to Stanghow,
Cross the road and, again, continue in a North Westerly direction to Lingdale School and then allotments.
Past the allotments immediately turn sharp left and follow the footpath first to Busky Dale and then onwards to the minor road on Stanghow Ridge.
From here, return to the car park at Birk Brow,

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