8.5 miles
Explorer Map 306, - Middlesbrough & Hartlepool
No map is needed for this walk.
The walk is a straightforward "there-and-back" walk along
the coast, - ideal for a day when the weather doesn't lend itself to
more demanding walks in, say, the moors and dales.
Park at the North Gare car park (just South of Seaton Carew)
- NZ532 281.
Cross the Golf Course (CARE!) and follow the track to the North Gare breakwater.
From the breakwater, make your way down to the beach (this is somewhat
tricky due to large and uneven rocks).
Alternatively, just before the breakwater there are paths that cross the
dunes to bring you down to the beach avoiding these rocks.
Walk Northwards along the beach to Seaton Carew, and in the town follow
the promenade all the way to Hartlepool and the Marina.
In the Marina, make your way to the Museum of Hartlepool and the "Wingfield
Castle". Entry to the Museum is free.
Retrace your steps to Seaton Carew.
Instead of returning along the beach from Seaton Carew, there is a footpath
that runs from the main road at NZ525 290 back to the North Gare car park.