8.8 miles.
Explorer Map 303, - Middlesbrough and Hartlepool
A linear walk for any time of the year, which is VERY straightforward
and poses almost no navigational problems.
The walk follows the River Tees from Yarm to Preston Park, then onwards
to Stockton and the Tees Barrage.
For a Memory Map overlay of the walk described, please select the above
(Overlay made with Version 5 of Memory Map)
Some new mapping software is now availabe which you may
want to try, - QUO mapping. You can download the software for free from
the link below, complete with demonstration maps. Having installed QUO,
you can import and export Memory Map overlays. Thus YOU DON'T NEED Memory
Map to use any of the overlays provided on the Grey Panthers website,
- just use QUO!!
The walk described started from Church Lane in Egglescliffe
(NZ42087 13130). There is not much parking in Egglescliffe, though you
should be able to find a space near the Church entrance. Alternatively,
start the walk from Yarm where you may find it easier to park (though
watch out for parking restrictions).
Find the lane near the Church, beside the War Memorial, that leads down
to the river at Yarm.
Follow the footpath from Yarm along the South bank of the River Tees.
There are many waymarks and finger posts to keep you on the Teesside Way
footpath all the way to Preston Park.
From Preston Park, follow the way marks and finger posts initially to
"Ingleby Barwick".
When you reach the dual carriageway, turn left and follow the footpath
until you come to a crossing point over the dual carriageway. This takes
you to the continuation of the Teesdale Way, through the Bowesfield Nature
Reserve, to Stockton.
The footpath emerges in a rather grim industrial area, where it leaves
the riverside. You have to walk up the lane at this point, then head for
the riverside again when you meet the main road.
There is a footpath beside the river which then takes you all the way
to the Tees Barrage.
There is ample car parking in the area that overlooks the White Water