The Grey Panthers
11 January, - Kilburn, Husthwaite & Coxwold

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10.2 miles

Explorer Map 299 - Ripon & Boroughbridge

A walk which provides some outsanding views and plenty of interest as regards historic buildings.
The walk is suitable for any time of the year, though there are some wet and muddy patches in the winter time.
There are no navigational difficulties, and no gradients of any special difficulty.

Memory Map
For a Memory Map overlay of the walk described, please select the above link.
(Overlay made with Version 5 of Memory Map)

Some new mapping software is now availabe which you may want to try, - QUO mapping. You can download the software for free from the link below, complete with demonstration maps. Having installed QUO, you can import and export Memory Map overlays. Thus YOU DON'T NEED Memory Map to use any of the overlays provided on the Grey Panthers website, - just use QUO!!

Quo logo

Start from the small car park outside the parish church in Kilburn (SE51349 79618).
Head Southwards down the road through Kilburn until you come to Trencar Lane, opposite Chapel Farm.
Head down the lane, - can be muddy, in a Westerly direction and continue on the footpath to Common Lane.
Turn left in Common Lane and when you come to Mill Dike Lane turn left again. Shortly afterwards turn right and walk down Croft Lane to Carlton Husthwaite.
Walk down the main street in Carlton Husthwaite, then turn right down Ings Lane. Follow Ings Lane all the way into Husthwaite.
Opposite the church in Husthwaite, take the road Southwards until just past a row of cottages (with Bank Cottage on your left) there is a signposted footpath heading uphill in an Eastwards direction.
Now follow this footpath and then the Easterly footpath past Lists House and along Beacon Banks.
The footpath meets a farm track just above High Leys Farm. Turn left, and almost opposite the farm buildings is a footpath on your left which takes you to Coxwold.
In Coxwold, Turn left up the main street and continue past Shandy Hall.
On your right is a clearly signposted footpath which takes you to the lane that leads past Fox Folly Farm,
Head up the lane past Fox Folly Farm, and where there is a sharp bend in the road continue ahead on the footpath to High Kilburn and then Kilburn.