The Grey Panthers
19 September, - Aysgarth Falls & Addlebrough

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11.2 miles

Explorer Map OL30, - Yorkshire Dales (North)

A walk to be reserved for clear, fine days when the visibility is good.
The views of Wensleydale, especially from the summit of Addlebrough, are what this walk is all about.
The walk is designed as a there-and-back walk, starting from the Dales car park at Aysgarth Falls.
The walk can be shortened by a couple of miles by starting from Aysgarth village itself, if needed.
Navigation is very straightforward, with plenty of finger posts and waymarkes to help.
The actual ascent of Addlebrough involves a steep climb (and later decsent) up a grassy slope.

Memory Map
For a Memory Map overlay of the walk described, please select the above link.
(Overlay made with Version 5 of Memory Map)

Some new mapping software is now available which you may want to try, - QUO mapping. You can download the software for free from the link below, complete with demonstration maps. Having installed QUO, you can import and export Memory Map overlays. Thus YOU DON'T NEED Memory Map to use any of the overlays provided on the Grey Panthers website, - just use QUO!!

Quo logo

Start from the Dales car park for Aysgarth Falls (SE0147 88765).
Cross the road bridge over the River Ure that overlooks the Upper Falls (CARE : Traffic!).
Staright ahead there is a stepped footpath that ascends to the churchyard. At the top, turn right and exit the churchyard. Cross the road and take the field footpath to Aysgarth village.
At the end of the village, take the road to Thornton Rust and follow this for 1/3 mile.
Take the farm track that is on your left, signposted to Thoralby and Gayle Ing. Where this track forks, take the right hand track, along a walled lane (heading for Gayle Ing).
Just over half a mile along this track, there is a footpath on the right that takes you to Thornton Rust. The footpath crosses the Gill Beck and is well waymarked.
Just before entering Thornton Rust, there is a cut that takes you along a footpath to a farm track that heads upwards in a South Westerly direction.
Follow this farm track until you come to a finger post that points you on to a grassy track over rough pasture, heading in a South Westerly direction.
Continue until you come to a field wall. Pass through the gate in this wall.
Shortly after, there is a finger post that directs you towards Addlebrough. This takes you first over a stile, and then follows a field wall.
When you come to the corner of this field wall, there is a footpath to the summit of Addlebrough that heads on a bearing of about 300 degrees. There is a marker post to help you find the footpath.
At the top of this path, cross a field wall and you are on the summit of Addlebrough.
Walk across the top Westwards for superb views towards Semer Water.

To return to Aysgarth Falls car park, simply retrace your steps.