7.40 miles
Explorer Map OL26, - North York Moors (Western Area)
A walk that is right on Teesside's doorstep, and which can be
tailored distance-wise if required.
The walk starts from the Flatts Lane Country Park, and uses well
marked field footpaths and tracks.
It helps to have a 1 : 25000 scale map to hand, in order to check
on field boundaries etc.
The only section of the walk which might cause a problem is the
one through West Hills woodland. The footpath was very overgrown,
and there was a constant problem with brambles underfoot.
Some of the field footpaths were abit muddy and uneven, but otherwise
the walk is quite straightforward.

For a Memory Map overlay of the walk described, please select the
above link.
(Overlay made with Version 4 of Memory Map)
Some new mapping software is now available which you
may want to try, - QUO mapping. You can download the software for
free from the link below, complete with demonstration maps. Having
installed QUO, you can import and export Memory Map overlays. Thus
YOU DON'T NEED Memory Map to use any of the overlays provided on the
Grey Panthers website, - just use QUO!!

Start from The Flatts Lane Country Park (NZ55241 16870).
From the car parking area, take the footpath that runs uphill across
a grassy field, towards the road.
When you reach the road, turn right and follow the road for about
100 yards. GREAT CARE is needed here, as there is no pavement and
traffic can be quite busy.
Cross the road when the footpath sign comes into view.
Head up the slope on a broad, easy to follow, footpath. At the top
of the slope, turn right.
Where the footpath almost meets the road again, turn sharp left to
follow the footpath across fields to Mill Farm.
The footpath continues Eastwards behind Mill Farm.
When the footpath meets the Tees Link footpath, turn left and head
uphill until you come to a farm track that takes you Eastwards. After
a short distance, take the footpath that heads downhill to a field,
then take the footpath East that is at the bottom of this field.
Continue Eastwards through West Hills woodland.
Where West Hills woodland meets Park Wood, there is a farm track that
heads North West to Poplar Farm.
Head Westwards along the farm track past Poplar Farm. Turn Northwards
to the old quarry workings on the edge of Eston Moor.
Follow the footpath North across Eston Moor to Eston Nab.
From eston Nab,return to Flatts Lane Country Park along the easy to
follow track that heads South Westwards.