The Grey Panthers
Walks in the WEARDALE Area

Index of Walks

Weardale Area
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Start From

Select Walk
Alston (*) Kirkhaugh 7 miles
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Coalcleugh abd Carrside 9.0 miles
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Eastgate to Rookhope & Bishop's Seat 9.1 miles
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Garrigill to Alston along the South Tyne 9.7 miles
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Garrigill to the Source of the South Tyne 9.7 miles
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Rookhope to Blanchland 12.5 miles
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Stanhope to Bollihope 8.9 miles
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Stanhope to Stanhope Common and Long Hill 10.2 miles
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Stanhope to Shield Hurst and Eastgate 9.3 miles
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Stanhope to the Weatherhill Engine & Fell Haven 9.8 miles
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Wearhead to Cowshill, Sedling Rake, & Daddry Shield Bridge 9.7 miles
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Select Walk
Westgate to Rookhope 9.5 miles
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Select Walk
Wolsingham to Frosterley 9.6 miles
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Select Walk
Wolsingham to Frosterley 9.6 miles
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Wolsingham to Tunstall Reservoir 8.4 miles
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Select Walk
Wolsingham to Tunstall Reservoir 8.0 miles
Select Walk

(*) Note : The Alston-Kirkhaugh walk is included in the "Weardale" walks, even though Alston is in South Tynedale, purely for convenience sake.

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